Seeking COMLs/COMTs for Regional Communications Initiative

More information available here: NERAC Radio Communications Initiative – Info for COML-COMT Departments

NERAC is seeking interested COMLs (Communication Unit Leaders) and/or COMTs (Communications Unit Technicians) to participate in the NERAC Radio Communications Initiative.

Participating COMLs/COMTs, based on their skillsets, will be deployed to provide:
– programming and channel organization services to municipal first responder departments in need of technical support to align their radios with the MA Tactical Channel Plan
– communications planning and event support for NERAC-funded trainings and exercises.

To participate, the COML/COMT must be approved by the NERAC Interoperability Committee and:
– be able to provide proof that they are a trained COML/COMT.
– have the program MOU signed by their municipal employer and MAPC/NERAC.
– receive approval from their employer for each assignment.

Departments of participating COMLs/COMTs will be eligible for backfill/overtime reimbursement of up to $60/hour for their employee’s time spent providing assistance through the program.

If you are a COML/COMT (or their employer) interested in participating or would like additional information, please reach out to


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