Massachusetts, through the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security and MEMA, and in partnership with the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association, has launched a statewide See Something Say Something public awareness campaign to encourage the public to report suspicious behaviors to the police.
A behind the scenes look at the service that Public Works Departments provide to their communities, from grounds maintenance and road paving to clearing snow and debris after storms. Published by the New England American Public Works Association on November 5th, 2015.
An introduction to NERAC (the Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council) with information about regional resources, trainings and exercises, and communications interoperability efforts.
An Introduction to NERAC (the Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council) and an overview of the Council’s regional efforts.
Information about NERAC funded trainings and exercises and the Essex County Technical Rescue Team.
An overview of regional resources available to NERAC’s 85 communities.
Information about the NERAC Microwave system, the FSATS and ARINC systems, and NERAC’s WebEOC and Sharepoint information sharing platforms.
Massachusetts is bracing for what could be its worst flu season in nearly a century. The Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council (NERAC), a regional consortium of 16 public safety officials representing various disciplines created this public service campaign to provide four fail-safe ways to stay healthy: 1) Get the flu shot; 2) Wash your hands or sanitize often; 3) Sneeze or cough into a tissue or sleeve; and 4) Stay home when sick. Dont bring the flu bug to work or school.
Massachusetts se prepara para lo que podría ser su peor temporada de gripe en casi un siglo . El Consejo de Seguridad Nacional del Nordeste Consultivo Regional ( NERAC ) , un consorcio regional de 16 oficiales de seguridad pública que representan diversas disciplinas creado esta campaña de servicio público para proporcionar cuatro maneras a prueba de fallos para mantenerse saludable : 1 ) Obtén la vacuna contra la gripe ; 2 ) Lavarse las manos o desinfectar con frecuencia ; 3 ) Estornudar o toser en un pañuelo o con la manga 4 ) Quédese en casa cuando esté enfermo . No te traen el virus de la gripe al trabajo o escuela.
Overview of the NERAC School Threat Assessment and Response System (STARS) Project, which was created by the Northeast Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council.
A brief instructional video on the uses of the Cyanide Detector that NERAC provided to all 85 communities in northeastern Massachusetts.
An overview of how to most effectively and efficiently open a shelter using the Shelter in a Box Toolkit that NERAC provided to all 85 communities in northeastern Massachusetts.
A brief instructional video on the uses of the Smart Tag emergency triage system that NERAC provided to all 85 communities in northeastern Massachusetts.
Overview of the Northeast Homeland Security Council and its many projects including the Northeast Equipment Cache System, the NERAC Connect Sharepoint Site, and NERAC WebEOC.