Northeast Homeland Security Regional
Advisory Council

The Northeast Homeland Security Planning Region contains 85 communities stretching from Ashby in the Northwest to Salisbury on the Northeastern coastal border with New Hampshire and Holliston in the Southwest. The region skirts the immediate urban, inner core of metro-Boston but also includes communities such as Arlington, Malden, Medford, Melrose, Saugus, and Watertown, which are immediately outside of the urban inner core.


The Council is responsible for enhancing the ability of the region to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terror and other disasters that affect the safety of the public by carrying out the strategies and objectives defined by the Massachusetts State Homeland Security Strategy and the National Preparedness Goal. The Council also serves as a forum to promote regional, interdisciplinary collaboration and idea sharing that makes public safety efforts more efficient and effective.


The NERAC Council is a 20 member body with representatives from the law enforcement, fire service, emergency management, public health, healthcare, emergency medical services, public safety communications, government administration, corrections, transportation, and cybersecurity disciplines. Members are appointed to the Council by EOPSS (with assistance and recommendations from the professional discipline associations) and volunteer their time and expertise to guide the efforts of the Council and ensure effective utilization of the grant funds.