September is National Preparedness Month!

National Preparedness Month is an effort to promote preparedness and emergency planning activities for individuals, families, and businesses through a social media campaign spearheaded by Ready.Gov. This year’s theme is “Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today”, encouraging the development of emergency plans amongst families and neighbors. This social media campaign is a simple and effective way to support regional preparedness by encouraging preparedness at the grassroots of local communities – individuals, families, and businesses. When the majority of individuals, families, and businesses are prepared for emergencies, there is less strain on the emergency services provided by public safety and other municipal departments, such as evacuations, shelters, and emergency medical services.

Throughout the month of September, NERAC will be participating in the campaign by sharing useful preparedness-oriented resources, materials, and best practices via the NERAC Facebook and Twitter accounts. To follow along, add NERAC on Facebook and Twitter using the information below:

Twitter: @NERAC_HS


Each week in September will focus on different hazards that communities encounter, including flooding, power outages, and hurricanes. To facilitate participation in the campaign, Ready.Gov has created a free social media toolkit that can be downloaded at Participate in the campaign by sharing preparedness resources and encouraging preparedness activities in your own communities via social media using the hashtag #NatlPrep, and following the suggestions included in Ready.Gov’s social media toolkit.


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