ALERRT Active Shooter Training Announcement

The Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council (NERAC) is sponsoring four  Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) courses to prepare law enforcement officers to isolate, distract, and neutralize an active shooter using a number of tactics and techniques through both classroom and field-based activities, including dynamic force-on-force scenarios.  The courses will take place from August 7th-August 17th in Carlisle and Gloucester.  Each 2-day session will be open to up to 30 officers.  For more detailed information on the dates and locations, please click here

Through a partnership between the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the FBI, and Texas State University, NERAC is able to offer these courses free of cost for all attendees.  NERAC will provide backfill/overtime reimbursement at up to $35/hr.

To register for any of these courses, please click here.


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