ATIRC Registration and Course Information

The Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council (NERAC) is sponsoring a three-day Active Threat Integrated Response Course (ATIRC) designed to improve integration between Law Enforcement, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel during active shooter events. The training will practice these skills through both classroom and field-based activities, including dynamic force-on-force scenarios. The course will take place from August 21st – 23rd, 2018 at Swampscott High School. This opportunity is open to up to 25 Law Enforcement and 15 Fire/EMS participants.  For more detailed information on the ATIRC course, click here.

Through a partnership with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security and The National Center for Biomedical Research and Training at Louisiana State University, NERAC is able to offer this course free of charge for all attendees. NERAC will provide backfill/overtime reimbursement at up to $35/hr.

To register for this course, click here. Your registration will not be considered final until you receive a separate confirmation notice. If you have any questions, please contact Austin Murray at or 617-933-0755.

Learn more about ATIRC: August 2018 ATIRC Flyer

Please Note: In order to ensure this training provides the widest possible regional benefit, the number of participants from a single community will be capped at 2. Any number of participants over that threshold will be placed on a wait list and contacted if space becomes available. Supervisors instructing more than 2 employees to register should consider which individuals to prioritize, otherwise priority will be given to those who registered first.



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